Summer Adventure - What does ‘Summer Adventure’ mean to you? 

As the days get hotter, it’s natural to feel like going out and making the most of the weather. This summer, whether you’re swimming, cycling, or trekking, the word adventure means something different to each and every one of us.  

Summer is the perfect time for exciting adventures and visiting places on your bucket list. To help you plan your vacation, we have compiled a list of activities you can do alone, with friends, or family, that include some of the most stunning locations in the UK. 

  1. Surfing. There are some beautiful spots such as Sennen Cove, located in Cornwall, perfect for surfing.
  1. Canoeing. You can have a lot of fun canoeing in some great locations like the River Wye, the fifth longest river in the UK that forms a part of the England-Wales border.
  1. Camping. There are some amazing campsites around the UK where you can make some wonderful memories with friends and family. Take your trip to the next level and try out wild camping! Some of the finest spots for wild camping include Yes Tor in Dartmoor and Carneddau in Snowdonia. 
  1. Paragliding. For the fearless adventurers who enjoy heights, there are many locations for paragliding across the UK such as the Isle of Wight, the Isle of Arran in Scotland, and Pembrokeshire in Wales. 
  1. Hiking. There are many locations ideal for hiking where you will see some of the most breath-taking landscape the UK has to offer. These include the Snowdon Horseshoe, Malham Cove, the Lizard Peninsula, and Scafell Pike.

When exposed to sun rays, our bodies produce Vitamin D that boosts serotonin production in our brain. This gives us the confidence and energy to get out and is beneficial to both our physical and mental health. However, you must be cautious as prolonged sun exposure without any preparation or protection is harmful to our health; it can cause damage to our skin as it severely decreases the water content and increases its dryness. Moreover, you might end up experiencing symptoms of dehydration that include fatigue, dizziness and nausea. Therefore, it is crucial to stay steps ahead and ensure you are safe and hydrated.

Dehydration when coupled with extended exposure to sun or heat, can cause heat exhaustion. This is due to a depletion or imbalance of fluids and electrolytes in the body. Hydralyte products have four times the number of electrolytes than leading sports drinks and with the correct balance of sodium and glucose to activate the co-transporter, you’ll feel instantly energised and hydrated. We recommend that you also use a good quality sunscreen that is at least SPF 30 and water resistant. You should also wear protective gear such as sunglasses and a hat. In addition, seek shade and avoid sitting directly in the sun between 11am and 3pm as this is when sun rays are the strongest.

To inspire you and get you eager for a summer full of amusement and activity, we caught up with some of our favourite adventurers to ask them what ‘Summer Adventure’ meant to them. Here is what some of these amazing influencers had to say:   

Nicole Read

“Summer adventure is a dusty single track and bike packing adventures topped off with a wild swim!” said Nicole, adding that she can’t wait for her next summer adventure and hopes it arrives soon.  She also shared some wonderful pictures with us from her last summer adventure, a two-day coast to coast excursion starting in Whitehaven all the way up to Newcastleton in Scotland. 

Instagram: @theadventureofmrsread

Instagram @AdventuresofMrsRead

 Joanna Shimwell

“Summer adventure means making the most of the light and cramming in a dawn raid or an evening ride to make the most of the long days.” said Joanna. She also said that she loves riding at the start or the end of the day, which we agree is a great time to avoid being caught under intense sun exposure.  

Instagram: @joannashimwell

Instagram @Joannashimwell

Gilly McArthur

“Summer adventures for me are about paddling, climbing and swimming... away from crowds and offline! With Hydralyte for a replenishment after a day in nature!” We couldn’t agree more with Gilly; we just love that we can be a part of her journey!

Instagram: @gillymcarthur
Photographs by: @hddnmedia@scottmsaltphoto

Instagram @GillyMcarthur

Jamie Ramsay

“For me summertime is outdoors time; it’s when you take all your adventure dreams ad turn them into lasting memories,” said Jamie. He told us that this summer he will be cycling 10,000km around the U.K and Northern Ireland trying to go and visit all the places that he has always dreamed about.Whatever it is you’re doing, make sure you stay fuelled and hydrated so you make the most out of the beautiful weather. Have a great summertime.” We couldn’t agree more, staying hydrated is essential and will allow you to enjoy all that the British Summer Time has to offer!

Instagram: @jamieisadventuring

Instagram: @Jamieisadventuring